Mon 27 Jan
Kissable Lovable Exotic Affectionate Sensual Curvy Busty Beauty With Heart & Soul - 29
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Incall - Outcall Boston)
Kissable Lovable Exotic Affectionate Sensual Curvy Busty Beauty With Heart & Soul - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Incall - Outcall Boston)
Well Reviewed : Lovable Exotic Affectionate ! Sensual Curvy Busty Beauty With So Much Passion - 28
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Incall - Outcall Boston & New England!)
HOT **NEW ** Pics ~!Blue Eyed CaJun~ Irish eXotic Beauty 1OO% InDePedent & DraMafree - 27
(Mwest..hwy RT.9/I-90/495..Mon, Tues Wend)
Teacher/Nurse (RN) Diana Boston 2 Days Only! May 10th&11th 6am-11pm! $275hr Limited # of appts! - 49
(Boston/Camb/Brook, BOSTON- 2 DAYS ONLY 5/10&5/11! THURS&FRI;)
Tue 21 Jan
Busty B B W ππ Soft and Silky Skinπ All Natural!!!ππ - 33
(Worcester, In or out 495/ 9 /90)
Exotic Curvy Busty Beauty Catering To The Perfect Gentlemen! Incall / Outcall - 29
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Incall - Outcall)
Can i BE yOuR giRL ? ? cuRvy and Cute * AUAILABLE all WEEK* iN or OUT - 28
(MetroW~/Worc Rt 9 / 495 90)
Suger OR SpIce?? Exotic Caj'un CanDy Avail. Mon~Thrus IN/OUT ~ Dramafree~Safe~ IndePendent - 28
(Metro W Rt 9 / 495 90)
SeXy Sweet CaJ'un Irish Treat!! * 1OO% IndePendent DraMafree ~ avail . Mon - Thrus - 28
(Metrow ~9/9O/495~Safe & Discreet)
####### Place 4 Relaxation #### Don't Pass Out %%%% Asian Bodywork ## Call Now %%%% - 22
(North Shore, MA/Salem/NH, Call 401-649-9087)
Lovable Exotic Affectionate Sensual Curvy Busty Beauty With So Much Passion. I'm On Fire! - 29
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Incall - Outcall Boston & New England!)
College Sweetie Sexy Busty Brunette hungry for a real man. Central MA, Worcester County - 25
(Milford exit 19 on 495. In / Out)
ChaRming Sweet & PeTiTe Cajun~Irish CuTie~ * 1OO% IIndePendent DraMafree ~ Always SAFE & DiScreet~ - 28
(Metrow ~9/9O/495~Avail. all week)
Can i BE yOuR giRL ? ? cuRvy and Cute * AUAILABLE all WEEK* iN or OUT - 28
(MetroW~/Worc Rt 9 / 495 90)
Can I be YOuR GiRl????CuRvy & Cute~ * 1OO% IndePendent DraMafree ~ - 28
(Metrow ~9/9O/495~Avail. all week)
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
Teacher/Nurse Diana Last day in Boston! (Thursday) September 22nd! (6am-midnight) - 49
(Boston/Camb/Brook, BOSTON)
Sun 05 Jan
Can I be YOuR GiRl????CuRvy & Cute~ * 1OO% IndePendent DraMafree ~ - 28
(Metrow ~9/9O/495~Avail. all week)
SuGer Or Spice?? SeXy Exotic Caj'un Candy * 1OO% IndePendent DraMafree ~ avail .11/15 to 11/22 - 28
(Metrow ~9/9O/495~Safe & Discreet)
Sat 04 Jan
~~#1~For THEE~βββ βΰΉΫ©ΫΫ©ΰΉβ βββ~V~I~P:β’.β₯ β’:*Β¨!πππGIRL Next Door Blonde and BeaUtiful
(Worcester, Westborough 495 in/out safe 100%)
SeXy Sweet w/ a Lil' Bit of Spice Exotic Caj'un Cutie ~ 100% InDEpedEnt & DraMafReE~ - 28
(Metrow RT.9/495/90~ Mon ~Thrus In/.OUT)
SuGer Or Spice?? SeXy Exotic Caj'un Candy * 1OO% IndePendent DraMafree ~ avail .All Week - 28
(Metrow ~9/9O/495~Safe & Discreet)
Fri 03 Jan