Mon 27 Jan
$$$Delicious GOODIES You Just Have To Taste$$$ - 20(347)863-3504 - 20
(North Shore, salem/lowell/peabody/incall/outcall)
Tue 21 Jan
★ ••••• ★ YOUR •★• ASiAN •★• SWEETHEART ★ ••••• ★ ••••• ★••••••• ►READY TO PLEASE - 19
™ *** Y O U R * W I S H * J U S T * C A M E * T R U E * ♥* C O M E * A N D * G E T * M E ***™ - 21
(North Shore, Tewksbury/lowell/Lawrence incall Outcall)
)TreAT( UrSelF!.--- ***U DeserVe ThIS...*** Plenty of Pleasure***** - 25
(North Shore, Andover Lowell Tewksbury Outcall /Incall)
SwEEt & TiGHt💝💋Ur GoNNa💕LOVE💕mY PrEttY 👅👄P!NkPeRsON@L!TY@ Two Girl Specials - 22
(North Shore, lowell incall)
STORM and CHARDONNAY... NEW SEXY PICTURES .. 2wo GiRl ShowS SpeCiaLs.!! ♥ - 21
(North Shore, Tewksbury/lowell/Lawrence incall/outcall)
STORM and CHARDONNAY... vERy FREAKY aNd OPENMINDED.. 2wo GiRl ShowS SpeCiaLs.!! ♥ - 21
(North Shore, Tewksbury/lowell/Lawrence incall/outcall)
☆☆ NoW That the RoAdS are CLeaR →Lets make up for Lost Time & Have Some FuN☆ PerFection☆Perky TiTs☆☆ - 23
New ♡ S E X Y ♥█▒ ╠╣0T █ AVAiLABLE ▒ ASiAN █▒ SATURDAY SPECiAlS █▒ ♡ - 21
(North Shore, tewksbury andover lowell lawrence incall)
New Pics!!! Last Day !! Don't Miss Out on Sweet Kisses and Pleasure You Deserve!! Special - 25
(North Shore, Andover Lowell Tewksbury Outcall/Incall)
█ NEW ♡ S E X Y ♥ █▒ ╠╣OT █ AVAiLABlE ▒ ASiAN █▒ JUST F0R Y O U ♡ █ - 21
(North Shore, tewksbury andover lowell lawrence incall)
Melanie is Back! Take a Sweet Break and Be Pleasured the Whole Time ! Soft Kissing Cuddling... - 25
(North Shore, Andover Lowell Tewksbury Outcall/Incall)
Melanie is Back for 1 Days! Kissing Cuddling Plenty of Other Fun Don't Miss Out! New Pics!! - 25
(North Shore, Andover Lowell Tewksbury Outcall /Incall)
Tue 07 Jan
Last Day toBe Pleasured By Sweet Melanie! Soft Kissing Cuddling Don't Miss Out!! - 25
(North Shore, Andover Lowell Tewksbury Outcall /Incall)
Mon 06 Jan
Fri 03 Jan