Sun 05 Jan
Downtown Condo Mature Men $100 Special Enjoy Some Relaxing Downtime - 41
(Boston/Camb/Brook, boston MA)
Sat 04 Jan
SuPeR FrEaKy ★ GoRgEoUs & KiNkY ★ ChOcOlAtE TrEaT BBW★ - 24
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Quincy incalls/OUTCALLS all over)
Nice☆ COLUMBIANA— S—— E——— N—— S ———A —T——— I ———O —N ———A—— L ——— ☆ 8O SPECIAL - 21
€•€ SpeNd sOmE TiMe wItH ThiS •AmaZiNg• BluE EyEd *FrEaK* AnD u'LL neVeR.ForGEt.Me €€• - 22
(South Shore, boston/north shore outcalls/incalls)
😘 ((NEW)) BOSTON #1 D0miniCAN PlayMate 😍 X-R@ted H0tTie 💦Dripping 💦Freak 👅 24/7 - 21
(North Shore, incalls)
|| Treat yourself with the PASSION OF THE ORIENT ( 2 Sexy Asian Sweetheart massage Exp ) - 21
(Boston, NH / MA I-93 /-495N Haverhill / Seacoast, Northwest/Merrimack)
★ Swedish/German ★ Brunette BBW with MAJOR Skills! ★ call now - 22
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston 617-291-6801)
█▒ ╠╣OT █▒ █▒ ╠╣OT █▒ ╠╣OT ▒▒█ ♥ S—E— X—Y ♥ █▒ ╠╣OT █▒ SEXY █▒ BLONDE █▒ BOMBSHELL - 23
::::NEW::::{{UPSCALE}} ★GORGEOUS FACE★ ((SwEeT n SeXy))·°·{{CuRvY}}·°· ((SeDuCtiVe)) - 25
(Metro West, outcalls all over)
==== NEW======== ASIAN ==== GIRL ==== GIVE == YOU ==== GOOD === TIME - 25
(Boston/Camb/Brook, ====617=820=1757==Outcall)
let me come over and pamper you outcalls only call or text me at 339-203-3174 - 40
(North Shore, north shore outcalls to you)
🔥🔥Dont miss out on the time of you life incall specials 1aw24/7 - 20
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Fenway. Cambridge incalls)
Fri 03 Jan
(( YOUR ASIAN DOLL )) ++ ( Friendly Petite Asian sweetheart || Karen || Morning Massage EXP ) - 20
(Boston, NH / MA Haverhill, Northwest/Merrimack)
❤❤ TiGHT ❤❤❤ §LiPP€R¥ ❤❤❤❤ 🌸NAUGHTY🌸 ❤❤BEAUTY❤❤❤❤ 🌸🌸 Winter§P€CiAL§ 🌸🌸 ❤❤❤ - 21
(Boston, Boston Cambridge Brookline Outcalls only, Boston/Camb/Brook, North Shore)
|| Treat yourself with the PASSION OF THE ORIENT ( 2 Natural Sexy Asian Sweetheart massage Exp ) - 21
(Boston, NH / MA I-93 /-495N Haverhill / Seacoast, Northwest/Merrimack)
SeNSuaL ~ SeDuCTiVe ~ SweeT ~ FRieNDly ~ HOT ~ SeXy ~ GeNuiNe ~ AvAiLaBLe ~ AMY ~ XO - 25
(North Shore, NoRTHSHoRe InCaLL)
New to town from LA, looking for gentlemen who like having a good time - 19
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook)
Let's get it on Right Now 617-980-2188 GINA YOUR ONE STOP SHOP - 25
(Boston/Camb/Brook, boston/all of mass)
[ *TWO GIRL SPECIAL!* ] [ ||°Sweet & Petite°|| ]* OUT CALL - 25
(Boston, BOSTON! OUT CALL, Boston/Camb/Brook)
NEW#1 :::___ ☆ BLONDE ☆___ :::B__ O__ M__ B__ S__H__ E __L __L:: - 22
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Incall only!!!!)
Thu 02 Jan
You want some couple time? Hot white guy and girl. Live show or more? - 25
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Cape Cod, Metro West, North Shore, Northwest/Merrimack, RI/MA, South Coast, South Shore, Worcester)
****^^^ WEEKEND ****^^^ BLONDE****^^^ BOMBESHELL ****^^^ 100 special - 27
(Boston/Camb/Brook, boston/ backbay)
🍍💄💟 💯% REAL 😇🎂🍒 EXOTIC 👑💕💋《 🍭S E X Y👙》❂《PUERTO RICAN》❥🍦 〓 [SwEET🍓 ] 〓 TiGHT👅 〓 [JUiCy] - 24
(Boston, Northwest/Merrimack, Outcalls everywhere)