Sat 04 Jan
::❤:: Special Ultimate Exotic Playful Lustful Slippery Ebony Doll ::❤:: - 23
(South Shore, South Shore Incalls)
❤️ SMokiNG HoT 🔥 PETITE LaTiNa BaRbie DoLL 🌹 - 21
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, copley back bay south boston north end)
Specials sweet 😻 Saturday💦💦💋❤️ I taste just like just chocolate - 21
(Boston, Brockton, South Shore)
She's Back! 💋💋 Best Service💋Best Action!💋 We❤️2⃣Pleeze U👄👄👄👄 - 22
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, OutCall)
** SkYyS * ThE * LiMiT ** !!OuTcALLs _ iNcALLs 2!!_ sPeCiAL 90$ __ (857)312-2800 - 23
(Boston/Camb/Brook, South shore/ boston)
* SEXY,wilD____N Petite Always*OPENS CalL * TRINA * now 120 HR special * - 21
(Boston/Camb/Brook, outcalls only)
Slipnslide thick oily booty seeking ass worship - 23
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester)
🔱✴ Sexy Serenitti 👑 100$ specials~ TONIGHT ONLY 💰🍦Call Now 1 (978) 786-0486😍😍Lynn Boston area - 19
(Boston, Boston South Shore Area 📡, Boston/Camb/Brook)
Sexy Italian/Latina who will make you beg for more! - 26
(Boston, North Shore, Peabody/Salem/lynn/Danvers)
SExy BlOnDe bOmBshsHell **** WaNtS tO ComE oVer ** aNd hAvE Sum FuN !!! - 19
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston, Saugus, peobody)
Sexy experienced playmate ready to please
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, In your arms ;))
Sarina 👑 is Ready to Play 💋👅💦 36D Curvy Tan Blonde 💗 OUTCALLS 💋 617-467-8270 - 23
(Boston, South Shore, West Roxbury/Dedham/Quincy Outcalls 💋)
🍒🍒 Sexxy👠👠Hott🔥🔥and Tempting👄👄 Incall/Outcall - 27
(Boston, Brockton Staughton Randolph South Shore, South Coast, South Shore)
Sarina 👑Ready to Play 👅💦💋 36D Curvy Tan Blonde 💗 IN/OUT 💋 617-467-8270 - 23
(Boston, Dedham/Norwood/Canton/Boston Rt 1 95, South Shore)
Sarina👑 is Ready to Play 💦💋❤ 36D Curvy Blonde 💋 IN/OUT 2GIRL ❤📲 617-467-8270💗 - 23
💋💕👯❤️💕👯 S M O K I N G HOT ❤️💕👯💋 PeTiTe 🌴TROPICAL🌴 👯💕❤️💋 Playmate 👯 - 21
(back bay copley southend south boston, Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook)
💋💋Sexxyyy Kennedy ready to play Morning specials Outcalls only !!!! 👅👅💦. - 21
(South Shore, Boston / Cambridge/Brookline)
SEXY _______________ ____ ♥ (( ALL NITE SPECIALS)) ♥ ________ _________ BLONDE - 21
SAVANNAH'S HERE! 💋 DD *TiNY waist** Lucious Lips💋 Let's have Fun! 100% REAL PICS✅ - 24
(North Shore, Woburn/Burlington 93-95-3)
Sassy ❤️💃❤️ pretty ❤️💃❤️ brown hourglass 🍸 Shaped ~💄~Just~t⭕️~Fit~You❗️ - 23
(Boston, Cape Cod, Metro West, North Shore, South Shore, your desire)
*¨* SATISFACTION *¨¨*IS*¨¨* MY *¨¨* BEST *¨¨* QUALITY *¨¨* {$100 SPECIAL} - 19
Sexual enhancement right now!! - 23
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, Right here)
❄️🐰 SeDuct!Ve Sn0w BuNNy!! 💯 REAL!! ** OUTCALLS!!** 🐰❄️ - 25
(Boston, Cape Cod, Outcalls !!, South Coast, South Shore, Springfield, Worcester)
(REVIEWED)⭐💋B •U •S •T •Y •💋⭐ [[R •E •A •D •Y]] ⭐💋 A•B•L•E💋⭐ [[A •N •D)]] ⭐💋 W •I •L •L •I •N •G❗⭐💋 - 21
(Boston, Quincy and surrounding areas, South Shore)
=}-{ ROBBIN }-{= Tall, fit, Beautiful, & BLoNDe == The GIRL NEXT Do.0r you DREAM about!! == Call Me! - 23
(Boston/Camb/Brook, SOUTH SHORE =incalls / outcalls=)
Relax, Refresh, Rejuvenate, Invigorate, Escape from your Hectic Day...Feel your Absolute Best... - 19
RealPics📷Curvy Booty DRAYA 👅!! Back In Town 🆕 Young Exotic Island🌴Beauty 💦Call 📞me 1st Daddy - 19
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Call me 1st Daddyp, Metro West)
☞ №➊ ReQUESTED B00BIES ☞ 100 Specials 💋 ☞ CєRτíFíєD LOOK ErOtiC Spanish / Italian ❌⭕❌⭕ - 23
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Incalls South Bay Mall / Outs Bos&Surr;)
Pretty women KATHLEEN out call-only. Wow all new pictures come see them.... - 40
(South Shore, out calls only south shore)
------- * REAL GIRL * Busty Blonde * INDEPENDENT -- 100% REAL PICS - ( New #)
(S, NH / MA line off 93/495)
Ready for you. :-* - 23
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, North Shore, Outcalls, South Coast, South Shore)
💲pecial💲 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ THICK BEAUTY•••••100% REAL💯 T!GHT & JU!CY💦💦 Incredibly Freaky👅 - 23
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Outcalls Only)
Pick this Exotic Hottie for a Very Different Experience! - 19
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, anywhere you want me!)
▀ ▄ ▀ ▄ P e r f e c t # 1 NeW EbOnY FoX ▀ ▄ ▀ ▄ - 23
(Boston/Camb/Brook, boston north & south shore)
P_ _R _ F_ _C_T __ _BoDY! _ ( ( ( rotic) ) ) __P_ l _ A_ y _ M _a _ T_e!! - 21
(DWTN Boston InnCall)
PartyGirl🎉🌹italian.. tight&jjuicy;🍒 Superspecials!!...✔ - 24
(Boston, Incalls brockton/outcalls everywhere, South Shore)
Perfect candy🍭🍭🍭 - 21
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Cape Cod, out calls only, South Coast, South Shore, Worcester)
Outcalls , Elegant Italian💯💋💯😍😎🌺🌸💐🌷 - 26
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Cape Cod, outcalls only, South Coast, South Shore, Worcester)
☎️ Now 100% REAL🌟♛ *UPSCALE* ♛🌟❤ iTaLiaN Sweetheart ❤ Pretty Face ❤️ Great ASSets ~ REAL Photos - 24
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Metro West, South Shore, Westboro Marlboro Incalls, Outcalls, Worcester)
NiKkIs HeRe FeLlAs AsK aBoUt NeW tO tOwN 100$ sPeCiAlS nEw PhOtOs BlOnDe BoMbShElL rEaDy FoR sOmE fU - 19
(South Shore, Downtown Boston)
💕No ComPeT!T!on💫💥( T✪TAL ❌👊👊 KN✪CK✪UT ❌)No One Compares ✨SEXY 🔥RARE 💎 - 21
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Manchester/Concord/Salem and surrounding, Metro West, North Shore, Northwest/Merrimack, South Coast, South Shore)
❤️✔️👠(NewtO tHE aREA🆕) ❤️ sE XY brunette ) ❤️ 👠 _((pLAYFUL ) 💫💋 (( UnRuShED⏰)) 💄 (mUST sEE👀)👠✨ - 22
(South Coast, Outcalls all over 🌟🎀)
💦💗💦 Exotic EboNy Riley 💗 Always Tasty! * 💗 Ready To Play💦💗💦 - 24
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Brockton Hyde park Boston OUTCALLs only, South Shore)
💋☺️ Exotic Freaks💋2girl SPECIALS☺️ Tight Slippery An Young☺️💋 Making U Want Seconds☺️💋 Come Play In The Water💦👅 - 22
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Cape Cod, Incall rt 1 outs anywhere baby, Metro West, North Shore, Northwest/Merrimack, South Coast, South Shore, Worcester)
❣💛❣Curvy Asian Model ❣💛❣Young & No Old Lady ❣💛❣Juicy Fruity Between My Legs ❣💛❣ 929-3299379 - 21
(Boston, Framingham/Natick/Waltham/Newton, Incall, South Shore)
Curvaceous and Fun Irish American Babe...OUTCALLS ONLY - 33
(South Shore, Boston and South Shore Outcalls)
come play with vanilla brockton incall only - 35
(Boston, brockton incall, South Coast, South Shore)
***Curvy, beautiful and blonde*** Big, lucious lips and BOOTY!! CoMe SeE mE or I wiLL cOmE pLaY!!! - 22
(South Shore, boston and surrounding areas!!)
CUTE ❤ FAcE ❤ Fabulously ❤❤❤ CURVY ❤❤❤ BuStY ❤❤ Exotic Princess ❤ Incall ~ Outcall - 28
(North Shore, Burlington / Bedford / Boston)
*** !!! CUuzZ !!! IM The G1RL 1N TH3 PICTURE !!! *** - 27
(Boston/Camb/Brook, north shore/south dwntwn OUTCALLS!)
❣💛❣Curvy Asian Model ❣💛❣Young & No Old Lady ❣💛❣Juicy Fruity Between My Legs ❣💛❣ 347-925-8659 - 21
(Boston, Saugus/Peabody/Danvers/Revere/Woburn, South Shore)
✨✨🌟🍒🍭💋 Come play with your favorite Brazilian & Dominican Doll 🍒🍭💋🌟✨✨ - 23
(South Shore, Boston Braintree Milton Newton Dedham)
Horny√√ New To The Area √√ Here For Limited Time Don't Miss Out √Horny - 25
(South Shore, incall Downtown Boston)
€•€ SpeNd sOmE TiMe wItH ThiS •AmaZiNg• BluE EyEd *FrEaK* AnD u'LL neVeR.ForGEt.Me €€• - 22
(South Shore, boston/north shore outcalls/incalls)
Sugar & Spice - Let me pamper U! - 19
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, In town)
(---------N. QUINCY----------------------)
NEW DIVA👯$80 💋$100(📞) Big Booty¡💋 👉 💰$140👭 👉$180👈 👭¡UpScAlE¡ 💋INCALL Slidell ❤ � - 28
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Cape Cod, incall outcall, Metro West, North Shore, Northwest/Merrimack, South Coast, South Shore, Springfield, Worcester)
▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█ ❤ VOTED # 1 ❤ █▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█ ❤ ASIAN ❤ Lady ❤HOT HOT HOT █▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█ - 24
(Boston/Camb/Brook, outcall to your place // 646-581-5700)
New phone #📱Braintree 💎😍❤️Every man loves a woman with RED Hair 💇🏻 Queen Ariel ❤️💃💎 9785778678 - 21
(Boston, Braintree / Quincy 👸, Brockton, South Coast, South Shore)
🆕 Spl💦Sh Fre👄Ky 👅💦 🍪 Brownskin Goddess Pretty N Shaved Local college Cutie - 22
(Boston, Boston& South Shore, Boston/Camb/Brook)
💋💋 Pure Ecstasy Playful VIxen READY 4 UNRUSHED 🍒 kINKY 🍒Pleasure SESSION💋💋 - 26
(Boston, incalls/outcalls🍒)
Sarina 👑 is Ready to Play 💋 34D Curvy Tan Blonde 💦 617-467-8270 - 23
(Boston, Dedham/Norwood/Canton Rt 1 95, South Shore)
New to town 👑 Sexy Latina💕💕 - 22
(Backbay, Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Metro West, North Shore, Northwest/Merrimack, South Shore)